Course Syllabus

downloadable version of the syllabus 


Math for the Medical Professional (1 unit)



Course Information

  • Term: Summer 2019
  • Course Section: VNPT-090-C01
  • Location: Allied Health X7
  • Dates: May 31st ~ July 5th, 2019
  • Time: 9:00 am ~ 11:50 am   
  • Credit Hours:1
  • Lecture: Chelsea Rivera                                      
  • Email:                                    
  • Office number: 559-469-9927 (text messages preferred)
  • Required Textbook: None
  • Prerequisites:None


Course Description:  VNPT 090 is a basic skills math course designed primarily for students entering or enrolled in vocational training related to health care. The course focuses on the foundational math skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Students will build on basic computational math skills to solve conversion problems between different systems of measurement.



Course Objectives:   Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

  1. Perform long division;
  2. Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions (mixed and improper);
  3. Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimal numbers;
  4. Convert fractions and decimals into percentages and vice versa;
  5. Simplify decimal and fractions.


Student Learning Outcome- Course Level

            PT-90-SLO-1. The student will calculate medication dosages.


Topics and Methodologies

  1. Multiplication and long division of natural numbers**;
  2. Addition and subtraction of fractions with the same and different denominators;
  3. Multiplication and division of fractions;
  4. Addition and subtraction of decimal numbers;
  5. Multiplication and division of decimal numbers;
  6. Rounding decimals;
  7. Conversion of decimal numbers and fractions into percentages;
  8. Representation of percentages as decimal numbers and fractions;
  9. Simplification of decimal fractions;
  10. Solve increasingly complex medical math problems using the above applications.


Credit for All Points in the Course

As this course is remedial in nature, and because many students wanting to enter the Psychiatric Technician Program are required to take this course…. A version of the comprehensive final will be given on the first day of the course (after class.)  If a student can pass this exam with an 85% or better, they can receive credit for the entire course points without attending past the first day.

            85%-92% on the exam will receive a “B” grade.

            93%-100% on the exam will receive an “A” grade.




Students are expected to attend all class sessions, arrive to each class on time, and to remain through the entire class.  The following is expected:

  • Students will be given participation points that will affect the overall grade in the course.
  • A student cannot earn the participation points for that class meeting day if they are not in attendance, fail to complete homework assignments, or are deficient in classroom participation.
  • Participation will account for 30% of overall grade in the course.
  • Many students fail to recognize…not completing a homework assignment will cost them in the homework points in addition to participation points for the day.
  • Students should expect to do a minimum of 3 hours of homework each week. But many students may require additional hours and even tutoring or office hours with the instructor in order to meet the objectives of the course. 
  • Do yourself a favor; expect to be in class, do all your work and homework, and perform well on exams.





Course Grading:

            A= 93-100%

            B= 86-92%

            C= 77-85%

            D= 70-76 %

            F= 69% or below

            W= Withdrawal if student withdraws from class prior to college deadline.  Students who do not report to the first day of the course will be dropped unless prior arrangements have been made. (Withdrawal is always the responsibility of the student.)  Failure to withdraw will result in the letter grade of “F.”



Exams: Exams are given at the start of class for each class meeting.   Students will not be allowed to enter class late and disrupt the students taking an exam.  You may use basic calculators for this course.  Cell phone calculators will not be allowed for exams.    



Methods of Instruction:

  1. Lectures and class discussions to explain and expand concepts
  2. Audio-visual aids to illustrate concepts
  3. Small group discussions
  4. Scenario-based problem solving activities
  5. Study guides and drill activities
  6. Computer software activities and other methods of technology mediated learning tools.


Course Grade Breakdown:



Total Points

Percent of Overall Grade

Weekly Quizzes



50 points each



Assignments and homework



points vary






Final Exam








Make-up exams:  Make-up exams will be administered at the instructor’s discretion and only within one week of the original examination date.  If a student is granted the opportunity to make-up an exam, they must do so within 1 week (prior to the next class meeting) or he/she will receive a grade of zero (0) for that exam.




Accommodation Needs: Students with learning disabilities or other specific accommodation needs should contact the instructor early in the course, (first day.)  This is a very fast paced course with only six meetings.  Students with concerns about learning difficulties or documented disabilities should also take advantage of the College’s Learning Assistance Services (student services,) which coordinates accommodations and offers support for students with learning disabilities as well as offering help with study skills and counseling.  DSPS can be reached at 934-2330.



Privacy:    All students are expected to refrain from recording or posting images of their classmates in any public forum without written consent from the other student/s.  Students who violate this can be subject to disciplinary action. 



Professional Behaviors Students are expected to present themselves appropriately for the classroom.  This shall include:  arriving on time, staying awake, keeping the midriff and chest covered, wearing shoes at all times, refraining from cursing or making vulgar comments, removing hats, and turning off electronic devices. 


Phones and Personal Electronic Devices:  While the use of personal electronics, at times, will be permitted in class; the use of such items will be allowed for the purposes and objectives of the course and must be silenced at all times. All personal electronics must be “off’/unable to make sounds, and put away during exams.  Any student with physical contact of a personal electronic device during an exam, will be considered cheating, and be subject to disciplinary actions as outlined in the academic honesty policy of West Hills College.



West Hills College has Emergency Response Guides posted near the main entrance of each of the Health Careers classrooms.  Students should become familiar with this guide as well as the Emergency Evacuation Route and Assembly Area on the football field. 





The instructor reserves the right to change the Course Outline as needed.




Homework Due Date

Week 1: Basic Math Skills



Basic Multip/Div Quiz


Discussion Board


Week 2: Metric System and Conversions





Discussion Board


Week 3: Intro to Medical Dose Calculations- Tablet Dosages





Discussion Board


Week 4: Fluid Dosage Calculations





Discussion Board


Week 5: Injection Dosage Calculations & Intro to Syringes





Discussion Board


Week 6: Final Exam

Final Exam






Course Summary:

Date Details Due